Business & butter

Creativity that Converts

We are a data-driven creative growth agency for community-driven and product-centric brands.
Business & Butter - Smiling Rave Face

No Butter
No Business

Business & Butter - Old computer icon


/ ˈbiz-nis /

Making informed decisions quickly that increases revenue.
Business & Butter - Butter Icon


/ ˈbuht-er /

Creating an engaged community that will love you forever.

You can rely on us for

A growth strategy is a crucial part of your business. It's a roadmap to navigate current and future challenges in favour of revenue, stronger products and services, or the expansion of your customer base.

We help you use the growth marketing tactics of high-scaling organisations for your advantage. Together, we find the low-hanging fruits and innovation that aligns with your brand identity, whether through Paid or Organic channels.
Customers want more than a focus on quality and price. They want to belong to a community that bonds over a shared passion for a brand. To attract customers, you need to focus on nurturing your following instead of just pushing products or services.

We help you understand your audience, enhance your brand image and increase repeat sales from a loyal customer base.
Just as a farmer understands their soil, every business should have a profound understanding of their data. As this knowledge forms the fertile ground for growth.

We specialize in tracking the most important metrics while filtering out noise. This enables us to deliver invaluable insights, empowering you to cultivate a brand that truly connects with your audience.

Your data is like fuel for your imagination.

Business & Butter - Happy Rave Computer Icon

Our happy projects

Let’s connect

Let's talk about your Business & Butter

Riccardo Straccia
Founder & Growth Strategist